I was reading some news about the Fired Yahoo CEO and saw a very appealing advertisement about making money on the internet while at home. I said to myself, now I want to prove this a hoax.
Every one needs a quick buck but you should also think if its as simple as they put it, the owners should have been the richest guys in the world. As the English saying goes "when the deal is too good, think twice"
I clicked on the link "careerpathjournal dot com", a very convincing nice URL and voila "A Nairobi, Kenya Mom [Kelly Richards] makes $6.795 /month.... " and I was Like "WTF" Not a "Wambui" or "Atieno" are you kidding me?
I had to hide my internet identity, that means I have to hide my IP from their server. How do I accomplish That? Web Proxy sites. I first try the hidemyass dot com one. And know what? Kelly moves to New Jersey I try another and another Proxy's in different locations of the world and Kelly keeps Moving. [see below]
I think I am at liberty to do a comment about this website - May be say I received my First $ 6,000 cheque. I moved to the comments section and guess what? You need to have your comment approved, All comments are anonymous and on top of all that there are no and i mean no authentication means, No Captcha [ so all comments are Doctored if you know what I mean.]
I did click the recommended link, apparently pointing to another site. "newonlineincomes dot com". The initial signup cost is around $200, try to leave the site by typing something else on the address bar and you get a message further trying to lure you into buying. now they bring the price to $99 (click ok and cancel) They redirect the page to another file, try to leave again and the price is brought again to $79. again click Ok and cancel try to leave again and the price becomes $49. Now you know they are bound to reaping at least $49 from each and every ambitious online wannabe earner.
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