Saturday, June 23, 2007


Its long before I posted. Sorry for I have been working on a very important project
I was to post on how to block websites from your computer.
If you want to protect your computer users from accessing some sites just do this:
open this directory
here you will find a file called "hosts." open the file in Notepad. (NB: its not the hosts.ics file)
Scroll down to the line that reads       localhost
Now we want to block a website called
 just below the line add this line
then save your file and exit. Go to your browser and try to visit the site.
NB: seperate 127.0.... and the site name with TAB
      Continue adding a single line for every website
what happens: The system tries to redirect the website to address which is the IP address of each and every Windows PC with or without a NIC

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Changing IP Addresses the Fast Way.

Hi all,
 Today we we look on how to save time when changing network settings. This might be useful if you keep on changing IP addresses for internet connection as per your ISP specification. May be your laptop from office to your home and vise versa.
Click Start>Run and type cmd >Ok
To save the current settings:
type netsh -c dump > officesettings.txt and press enter
or when at home netsh -c dump > homesettings.txt
Now to retrieve and fix the settings to the NIC. example in the office, type:
netsh -f officesettings.txt
Thanks till next time
Check out for "blocking websites in your computer" next time

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Re: Connecting two computers using their modems, without a telephone line

I found this tutorial and thought it might help one

On 23/01/06, Morris wrote:
Connecting two computers using their modems, without a telephone line

One method for connecting two computers together to transfer files is by a direct modem to modem connection. Some reasons to do so: the two computers may not have diskette compatibility; one computer may have a modem, but no free serial port; a serial port may be free, but (especially on some modern PC's with Asian made motherboards) the back panel connector may be wired incorrectly; getting two different computers to communicate correctly via serial port connection ( i.e., "null-modem") may be difficult; getting files other than text files to transfer via rs-232 may be tricky. A direct modem connection has the advantage that standard terminal programs are designed primarily to work with a modem. Another possibility is that of printing via a fax machine; some PC printers are multi-function: fax/scanner/copier/printer. This is another way an old Mac might access such devices. I have seen this mentioned, but haven't been able to try it yet (I don't yet have a compatible Mac fax program). It might also be possible to use a fax machine as a scanner this way; connect one computer modem to the fax machine.
One necessity for a reliable connection of this type is a "line simulator", a device to provide simulation of a telephone line, supplying the line current that modems are designed to work with. For our purposes, a very simple home-made circuit will do the job (you should be able to find most, if not all, of the parts at a Radio Shack store). This connects between two telephone modular jacks, and the two modems plug into the jacks:
Basic Circuit:
                             +  |
| - GREEN----------+---||||---/\/\/--+-------------RED | | | R | | 9 to 24V | | | +---||------------+ C .47uF RED-----------------------------------------------GREEN
Note that the resistor value depends on the actual voltage used. For 24V about 1K Ohms max will give at most 24mA (12V @ 500 Ohms, 9V @ 380 Ohms); the resistance of the modem circuit will reduce this slightly (you may need to reduce the resistor value, but if it works with the values mentioned, leave it at that; I'm using 380 Ohms with a voltage input of 14V). The telephone company guarantees about 20mA minimum in an actual phone line, and we want to be about the same minimum. Note also that the battery shown can be replaced by a "wall wart" power supply; most of these are un-regulated (my "9V @ 130mA" plug in DC supply gives about 14V on this circuit when connected to a telepone for testing) and consequently will need an electrolytic capacitor of about 2200 uF across the power supply + and - terminals to reduce the "ripple" voltage ( i.e., AC "noise"); be sure to match the polarity of the Electrolytic to the polarity of the power supply.
A more elegant solution when using an unregulated power supply is to add a 12 volt regulator such as a 78L12 (or a 7812 if you can't find the low power "L" version) as shown here:
                                  78L12           380 Ohm 1/2 Watt                                    _________                                   |         |          +VDC IN >--------+-----|IN     + |----+--/\/\/\/--+--------GREEN                           +_|_    |___GND___|   _|_  
_|_ -DC IN >--+ _ _ | _ _ .1uF _ _ .47uF | | 10uF | | | RED----------+-----+----------+---------+-----------+ GREEN----------------------------------------------------------RED
In the circuits above, the 10uF is a Tantalum, but you can substitute electrolytic. The 0.1uF is ceramic, and the 0.47uF should be an audio grade bypass; I used a polypropelene capacitor here. Make sure the capacitors have voltage rating at least equal to the power supply you use; a voltage regulator needs at least two volts more at its input than its output, so the above needs at least 14 volts in. Most regulators will take up to about 30 volts max on their input, but the greater the differential, the greater the power loss and subsequent heat dissipation in the regulator. The 78L12 is designed for 200mA max, whereas the 7812 is about 1 to 1.5 A max (when used with an adequate heat sink (an aluminum "radiator" designed for this purpose).
Once the modems are connected and the terminal programs are up, type AT to be sure you get back "OK" response. Next, type ATX3&C0 (that's C-Zero). C0 may not actually be needed on a PC, but is needed on the Mac; I type the same string at both my PC and Mac without any problems, though. Now, type ATD (the dial command) and enter on one computer; next type ATA and enter on the other. The two computers will connect, and you may now use the terminal to transfer any files. The Mac 68000 faq says Macs can use modem rates up to 56000; I use 19600 on my Plus and PC because it's the fastest available on the Windows 3.1 terminal program I use on my Win95 PC (Hyperterminal would allow faster rates, but is a little more trouble to use; see the link below "issuing Modem AT commands in Windows 95" for how to use it). Use your favorite terminal program on the Mac. I have downloaded Mac programs (in .hqx or .sit format) and transferred to my Plus with this method without any problem.
Powerbook Notes: "In a DOS and Windows World" By Cary Lu, contributing editor, Macworld August 1995 page: 153-154


Thursday, April 5, 2007


(Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) A drive technology that reports its own degradation enabling the operating system to warn the user of potential failure

Monday, April 2, 2007

Virtual Memory

At times the computer uses all the RAM (Random Access Memory) so in this case the system has to use part of the hard disk space as if it were RAM. This space is what is called Virtual Memory. In windows you can change its size by changing the size of the Paging File >>>

  1. OPEN computer management
  2. In the console tree, right-click Computer Management (Local), and then select Properties.
  3. On the Advanced tab, click Performance Options, and under virtual memory, click Change.
  4. In the Drive list, click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.
  5. Under Paging file size for selected drive, type a new paging file size in megabytes in the Initial Size (MB) or Maximum Size (MB) box, and then click Set.

    If you decrease the size of either the minimum or maximum page file settings, you must restart your computer to see the effects of those changes. Increases generally do not require a restart.

In Linux there is a special Partition called the SWAP Partition. It's the same thing

Virtual Memory

What is Virtual Memory?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Network commands

Do I start with Dos commands? Ok Yeah!
Click Start>Run and type command then click OK.
Then use the following commands (If you like)
ipconfig -all This displays all the information about you Network card {<Do not expect to display information like > your card is dusty. :) }
Information like The physical address (MAC Address) IP Address and more.
-all is a switch to use switches we use the hyphen- or the slash/
ping [computername/ipaddress] -t Use this command to see if a host is reachable in a network.(communicating with the other)
E.g the other comp is called WORKSTATION2 with IP we can use this command ping workstation2 -t or ping -t Using the t switch it will ping continously untill you cancel.
Without the t switch it will ping 4 times
After the ping is complete You will get a summary showing you the number of packets sent/received/lost and Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds
The more the milliseconds the less the data transfer rate between your computer and the host.
By the way Do you want to ping yourself. Use this IP Address or this computer name LOCALHOST
Tracert > The traceroute utility is an internet coonectivity Utility may like ping but here, if I tracert it will display all the router between my computer client and the host (google)
NET command
This command is sweet.
NET SEND [computer name] [message] > This will send a message to the computer name you specify
Example. net send workstation2 Come quick. > That will show a message (come quick) on the computer named workstation2 *** Cool Huh***
Do you want to change your user password or for another user account in your computer without entering the old password? (Hack)
NET USER [USER NAME] [NEW PASSWORD] May be I want to change the password of My boss/Administrator to "cow"
NB: Here you need an administrator account capabilities.
I will type> net user boss cow the user name of my boss is boss
NB: All DOS Commands are followed by an enter/return
Lets now Shut down the computer using a command
Shutdown -f -s -t 7200
The above command will:
-f force all running programs to close without warning
-s and Shut Down
-t After 7200 Seconds equavalent to two hours
How do you access a computer's documents in a network? Do you go to my network places> view workgroup computers?
C'mon, thats not for smart pple, go to Start>Run type \\computername and click ok, simple!
May be next am looking at some hardware stuff
For now Bye, If my Content is helping you, Please show your interest through sageauk at yahoo dot com

Monday, March 5, 2007


OK, Isaid four pins are used. Take an example of a simple tin phone you
created when in primary school. Your mouth-piece (mic) to the earpiece
of the other party and vice versa.
Same case applies here.
Only pins 1,2,3, and 6 are used (the orange and green pairs)
So in this case, the blue and the brown pair are plain wasted.
Crimp one end like we did in straight through cable (i.e W.Orange,
Orange, W.Green, Green, Blue,W.Blue,Green,W.Brown,Brown)
Since we are using a Direct connection, Like our example phone we will
do the transmitter/receiver stuff all by ourselves. So for the other
end SWAP the Orange and the green pairs so thatthe other end will be
like (i.e W.Green, Green, W.Orange,Blue,W.Blue,Orange,
This is where the name cross-over came from.
Q. Why didn't we do this swaping stuff in straight thro' connection.
A. The cross-over function is done by the switch.
Next I will show some simple commands that will help in your windows

Tuesday, February 27, 2007



According to Wikipedia A computer network is two or more computers connected together using a telecommunication system for the purpose of communicating and sharing resources.

We will do more Practical work than theory (Help me with the theory part.)


(Creating A Straight through Network Cable)

We Require a 10/100 BaseT Network Card , Two RJ-45 Jacks for each computer, Crimping tool, CAT5 UTP Cable, and a switch or Hub

Hub/Switch - A switch is much faster than a switch (I will Explin When you show interest by Emailing me= The link Is Below The Article)

Fact: The CAT5 Cable has 8 pins but only 4 pins are used -Rx +Rx -Tx +Tx (Two for the receiver and the other two for the transmitter). Nice

Take your cable and your crimping tool.

Remove the shield may be 1 inch to expose the wires.

Then hold your RJ-45 Jack in this manner such that the pins are facing upwards and the open side is facing you.

Then arange your pins in this order from the left (pin1)=

white orange, orange, white green, blue, white blue, green, white brown, brown.

The other end of the cable will be the same hence the name straight through

Next time I will explain how, and which 4 wires are used. and how to connect two computers directly without a hub. Cheers

Friday, February 23, 2007


It is a hustle restructuring an old site without making a great difference. This is why I have opted for Blogspot. I will be copying information from my geocities site to this more advanced subdomain. I will be updating this more often.
Thumbs Up!