Saturday, June 23, 2007


Its long before I posted. Sorry for I have been working on a very important project
I was to post on how to block websites from your computer.
If you want to protect your computer users from accessing some sites just do this:
open this directory
here you will find a file called "hosts." open the file in Notepad. (NB: its not the hosts.ics file)
Scroll down to the line that reads       localhost
Now we want to block a website called
 just below the line add this line
then save your file and exit. Go to your browser and try to visit the site.
NB: seperate 127.0.... and the site name with TAB
      Continue adding a single line for every website
what happens: The system tries to redirect the website to address which is the IP address of each and every Windows PC with or without a NIC

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Changing IP Addresses the Fast Way.

Hi all,
 Today we we look on how to save time when changing network settings. This might be useful if you keep on changing IP addresses for internet connection as per your ISP specification. May be your laptop from office to your home and vise versa.
Click Start>Run and type cmd >Ok
To save the current settings:
type netsh -c dump > officesettings.txt and press enter
or when at home netsh -c dump > homesettings.txt
Now to retrieve and fix the settings to the NIC. example in the office, type:
netsh -f officesettings.txt
Thanks till next time
Check out for "blocking websites in your computer" next time